Planning Wellness: Getting Off to a Good Start

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This comprehensive source for anyone desiring to plan, design, implement or evaluate a Worksite Wellness program has gone through nine revisions over the years. The book is organized by major functional areas including: background, planning, design options, implementation steps and evaluation activities. The three major program models presented and discussed include “Feel Good Wellness” program model, the “Traditional Wellness” program model and the “Results-driven Wellness” program model. Sixteen (16) of the most significant challenges to effective wellness programming are addressed in addition to more than a dozen appendices with useful tools and information. This book can take you from 0 to 60 in your efforts to develop sustainable worksite wellness programs.
The challenges addressed include:
#1      How do we keep strong middle level management support?
#2.     How can our program address issues of tight budgets and low employee morale?
#3.     How do we reach families with our program?
#4.     How do we reach the high-risk employees?
#5.     How do we work with unions?
#6.     How do we affect health care costs with our program?
#7.     How do we change health attitudes and health beliefs of people?
#8.     How do we change safety and risk-taking behavior?
#9.     How can we avoid any ADA or HIPAA discrimination complaints about our program?
#10.  How can we integrate a more “intrinsic” approach to wellness into our program?
#11.  How do we program in small remote worksites?
#12.  How do we set up a “wellness center”?
#13.  How can we reduce our sick leave absenteeism?
#14.  How can we change our organizational culture to make it more wellness-oriented?
#15.  How do we reach retirees with wellness?
#16.  How should worksite wellness be integrated with managed care?


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