How valid is self-reported health data?

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This meta-analysis of relevant scientific literature evaluates the question whether we should trust data individuals give us about their health.  Based on our review of a considerable body of scientific literature, Chapman Institute has concluded that self-reported health data is valid for effective use in population health management interventions.  The Chapman Institute Position is based on the a large body of research documenting that the average individual, and particularly the average employee (and his/her spouse) is the most accurate and valid source of information about his/her own health needs, interests, current behaviors and readiness to change. This body of research confirms the validity of the use of self reported health data in the following areas: Pain reporting, neuromuscular function, physical activity levels, height and weight, breast and cervical screening exams, alcohol consumption patterns, vitamin and supplement use, nutrition practices, tobacco use, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes, influenza vaccination, clinical breast exam, mammography, pap smear, blood pressure screening, stroke risk factors, sleep conditions, angina, and iIschemic heart disease.  Published: 2012

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