level 1

  • Annual Program Evaluation Survey Tool L1-11

    This tool is a sample of a program evaluation survey that can be used to evaluate a wide range of issues about the effectiveness of an employee wellness program. The…

    Downloads: 79

  • Glossary of Wellness Terms Tool L1-1

    This tool is a newly expanded glossary of wellness and health terms. With more than 100 different terms included in the glossary it can be used as a source for…

    Downloads: 12

  • Group Activity Planning Worksheet Tool L1-9

    This tool provides a useful planning aid for the design and planning of group activities. The tool includes key issues that can help assure a successful group activity. There are…

    Downloads: 23

  • Health Monitor HRA Tool L1-14

    The Health Monitor represents a third generation HRA that has the potential to be used for a large number of follow-up interventions, such as those identified in Tool 1-8. The…

    Downloads: 16

  • Organizational Infrastructure for a Wellness Program Tool L1-5

    This tool provides an outline of the administrative structure and processes necessary for successful wellness programming in the worksite. The acrostic ""START"" is used to help provide a basic framework…

    Downloads: 2

  • Possible Interventions from HRA and Screening Data Tools L1-8

    This tool contains a detailed discussion of 60+ follow-up interventions that can be implemented from information that is collected through the completion of a Health Risk Assessment/ Well-being Survey combined…

    Downloads: 16

  • Program Descriptions of Effective Wellness Programs Tool L1-12

    This tool provides a description of 10 employer programs that have earned the prestigious C.Everett Koop awards. This is the highest honor that can be awarded to employers for their…

    Downloads: 29

  • Program Design Worksheet Tool L1-13

    This worksheet is to be used to help you plan and organize the various activities you are considering for your worksite wellness program. The worksheet uses the 6 step program…

    Downloads: 46

  • Program Planning Checklist Tool L1-10

    This tool provides a checklist organized around set time intervals before and after your program's launch. The questions are structured to help cover all the supportive environment issues around the…

    Downloads: 22

  • Sample Launch Letter Tool L1-7

    This tool is a sample of a formal launch letter that announces a new wellness program for employees. The major components of a launch letter or email include: sent out…

    Downloads: 24

  • Summary of the Benefits of Wellness Tool L1-3

    This tool includes a summary of the various types of benefits associated with worksite wellness programs. The tool emphasizes the benefits from the vantage point of the individual, employer, community…

    Downloads: 9

  • Summary of the Characteristics of Wellness Program Model Tool L1-4

    This tool summarizes the various attributes associated with the three major wellness strategies or program models: the Feel Good Wellness model, the Traditional Wellness model and the Results-Driven Wellness model.…

    Downloads: 21

  • Technology Infrastructure for Wellness Programs Tool L1-6

    This tool identified the various virtual interventions that constitute the core of an employee wellness programs. This technology is designed to perform all the basic functions of effective wellness programs.…

    Downloads: 17

  • Wellness Interest Survey Tool L1-2

    This tool is a wellness interest survey that can be used to help plan a worksite wellness program. It contains a range of questions on representativeness, wellness interests, program preferences,…

    Downloads: 36