Global Wellness Trends in 2020

What is this about?
Even with the dominating reality of the Coronavirus epidemic in all of our lives right now, this just-released 50-page trend report highlights a global view of the wellness field.  Representing a more holistic, somewhat edgy, and positive human experience-centric approach to wellness and well-being (Read spas, energy management, personal retreats, circadian rhythm, use of alternative healing therapies, etc.) this report does help us see what the larger market context is for the pursuit of wellness and well-being across the developed nations of the world.  In spite of the entirely justifiable present preoccupation with Covid-19 control, the report provides a useful perspective on what the developed nations will likely return to once the viral dust settles.

The major global wellness trends the Institute identifies are:

  1. Focus Shifting from Sleep to True Circadian Health
  2. Aging Rebranded: Positively Cool
  3. J Wellness (It’s about longevity)
  4. Mental Wellness and Technology: Rethinking the Relationship
  5. Energy Medicine Gets Serious
  6. Organized Religion Jumps into Wellness
  7. The Wellness Sabbatical
  8. The Fertility Boom
  9. Wellness Music
  10. In Wellness We Trust:  The Science Behind the Industry

Why is this important?
This report gives us a global picture of major trends affecting how wellness is viewed in the more developed nations of the world. The perspective provided in the report is also important because it identifies some of the natural allies and potential industry partners for our workplace focused wellness efforts. It’s also important to know what others consider “wellness” and the report does contain some interesting collateral developments that are likely to influence the future of the field.

What can you do with this document?

  • First, read the introduction to get some perspective.
  • Next, Review the ten major trends for those that have relevance.
  • Then consider whether the discussion under the trend is persuasive enough to warrant further attention.
  • Then identify who might benefit from receiving an excerpt of sections of the key trends to stimulate consideration for possible future action.
  • Then consider who might benefit from receiving the full 50-page report.

In summary, this document contains some interesting material about the larger societal and market aspects of wellness from a global perspective.  Once the current virus cloud clears this information will likely have more relevance.

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I hope this tool helps you reach your wellness programming goals!  Drop me a note and let me know if you found it to be helpful.

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