More Power Plays: Using economic arguments for wellness

  I just went through a list of key humanitarian arguments for wellness programming in our last post, but we also need to play our economic cards as well!  Remember our series on how to measure the five major economic variables that wellness programs impact in work organizations? Health plan cost, sick leave absenteeism cost,… Continue Reading ›

5 ways wellness reduces costs – Part 5: presenteeism costs

  Presenteeism is the fifth type of health-related cost that employers commonly experience. In this recent series of posts we have looked at health plan costs, sick leave absenteeism costs, workers’ compensation costs, disability insurance costs and now presenteeism cost. This is a newer concern for employers. Research has demonstrated that when employees decide to… Continue Reading ›

5 ways wellness reduces costs – Part 4: disability insurance costs

    This part four of my five-part series on getting the complete picture on the economic impact of your wellness program. Last week I covered workers’ compensation, the week before was on sick leave, and the first week was on health plan costs.  Today we are on to disability costs… Not all employers offer… Continue Reading ›

5 ways wellness reduces costs – Part 2: sick-leave costs

  American workers are absent from work due to sickness an average of 8 days a year. Wellness programs have been documented to reduce that amount by 25% or an average of 2 days a year. That reduction in absenteeism represents economic return that is potentially attributable to your wellness program, but it takes some effort… Continue Reading ›

5 ways wellness reduces costs – Part 1: health plan costs

Last week’s post made the case for broadening the economic argument for your wellness program. As I noted before, the five economic factors that respond to wellness programming are health plan cost, sick leave absenteeism cost, workers’ compensation costs, disability management costs and presenteeism costs. I will take the next five posts to dig into… Continue Reading ›

Don’t make this common mistake in your wellness program…

A major mistake many worksite wellness practitioners make is using a narrow economic rationale for wellness programming. As I emphasized in my post last week, communicating the impact of your wellness program in ROI terms is critical. However, I have seen many managers who set out to communicate the ROI of their efforts focus narrowly… Continue Reading ›

How do you build executive support for Worksite Wellness?

Building sustained executive support for Worksite Wellness is often one of the most important roles of a wellness professional. In my decades working with over a thousand organizations, here are the top three best practices with the biggest impact: Starting with number three… #3: Dig into the details and show them the plan. None of… Continue Reading ›