Prescription for Longevity in the 21st Century

Source: JAMA

What is this about?

This just-published 2-page opinion piece from JAMA identifies in a pithy and no-nonsense way the basic lifestyle characteristics that are associated with long (and seemingly worthwhile) lifestyles for the 21st Century. This piece reflects an interesting view of relevant literature and studies and identifies the “sweet spot” for employee wellness efforts from the physician’s perspective. Recognizing that genetic predisposition constitutes only about 30% of the risk for early death while the lion’s share is associated with social circumstances, environmental exposures, behavioral choices and lifestyle choices. Not surprisingly, behavioral and lifestyle choices can also ameliorate a significant amount of the major chronic condition risks that are associated with genetic predisposition. It should then be very clear that Wellness and Well-being interventions can play a very large potential role in the prescription for longevity in the 21st Century.

The major elements recommended for long life in the 21st Century are;

  • Participate in interventions to reduce your genetic predisposition for early death(chronic disease prevention)
  • Seek higher education levels
  • Avoid poverty and low-income status
  • Avoid illegal drugs and abuse of alcohol
  • Avoid suicidal ideation
  • Avoid high-risk environments and situations
  • Seek social engagement and maintain meaningful social relationships
  • Adopt a purposeful life that transcends self-interest (Be interested in and/or serve others)
  • Pursue meaningful activities and seek personal growth
  • Adopt healthy eating practices, regular exercise, maintain healthy body weight, avoid harmful substances like tobacco, practice stress reduction techniques and secure healthy sleep patterns

Why is this important?

This pithy set of recommendations for long life that physicians are now encouraged to give their own patients is very useful as a summary blueprint for our own approach to employee wellness and well-being. It is important because it is short, persuasive and unusually prescient for a physician’s perspective on prevention and well-being. It is also important because it brings our wellness/well-being work into direct alignment with what the Nation’s physicians are being urged to recommend. This article is important also because it gives legitimacy to our more holistic and social determinants-oriented approach to human health and a broader well-being oriented perspective on health. Repetition and consistency are key to helping employees choose a wellness-oriented lifestyle and that will happen faster if our messages are aligned better with the messages employees receive from their doctors.

What can you do with this document?

  • First, read the 2-page document and familiarize yourself with its content.
  • Next, put a list together of who you want to send it to including: wellness advisor committee members, wellness ambassadors, HR and benefits staff, wellness vendors and your executive team.
  • Consider whether you want to offer a Healthy Aging or Secrets of Long Life oriented educational session or series using the document’s content.
  • Consider modifying and using the bullet points above as a way to provide a “short-hand” approach to the information.
  • Consider setting up a contest with a very desirable prize for submission of a set of “secrets to long life” and use these bullet points as your ideal or winning answer. You could also have a prize for the most humorous submission.
  • Consider using this document to introduce how to get more “quantity of life” then move into “quality of life” considerations by emphasizing well-being issues.

In summary, this document contains a very useful and pithy perspective on a lifestyle that is likely to result in long life. Each of the summary bullet points can be explored in more depth if there is enough general interest in the topic. This information can also help to create a more holistic approach to employee wellness and well-being.

(Everyone can now download these documents regardless of membership status.)

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I hope this tool helps you reach your wellness programming goals!  Drop me a note and let me know if you found it to be helpful.

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