Wellness 2030: A Look at the Future of Wellness

Source: Global Wellness Institute

Author:  Larry Chapman

With the rapid process of change impacting American society and for that matter, all the other developed nations, it seems appropriate to take a quick look at a somewhat edgy look at the future ahead.  This report on Wellness in 2030 proposes trends and events that are likely to affect our wellness efforts and the demands that shape our careers and our field. Take a few minutes to peruse this futuristic report and note what resonates with your own perceptions.

In the Report, the pursuit of happiness is seen as the major way wellness will be manifested in the future.  Five key trends are seen as shaping this projected vision of future reality.  Several thought-provoking insights in the Report do deserve more attention.  However, as in all things future-oriented, time will tell.

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NOTE: You will need to have an active WellCert Membership in order to download this document.

I hope this tool helps you reach your wellness programming goals!  Drop me a note and let me know your thoughts and if you found it to be helpful: [email protected].

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